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- *usr_07.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 03
- VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
- Editing more than one file
- No matter how many files you have, you can edit them without leaving Vim.
- Define a list of files to work on and jump from one to the other. Copy text
- from one file and put it in another one.
- |07.1| Edit another file
- |07.2| A list of files
- |07.3| Jumping from file to file
- |07.4| Backup files
- |07.5| Copy text between files
- |07.6| Viewing a file
- |07.7| Changing the file name
- Next chapter: |usr_08.txt| Splitting windows
- Previous chapter: |usr_06.txt| Using syntax highlighting
- Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|
- ==============================================================================
- *07.1* Edit another file
- So far you had to start Vim for every file you wanted to edit. There is a
- simpler way. To start editing another file, use this command: >
- :edit foo.txt
- You can use any file name instead of "foo.txt". Vim will close the current
- file and open the new one. If the current file has unsaved changes, however,
- Vim displays an error message and does not open the new file:
- E37: No write since last change (use ! to override) ~
- Note:
- Vim puts an error ID at the start of each error message. If you do
- not understand the message or what caused it, look in the help system
- for this ID. In this case: >
- :help E37
- At this point, you have a number of alternatives. You can write the file
- using this command: >
- :write
- Or you can force Vim to discard your changes and edit the new file, using the
- force (!) character: >
- :edit! foo.txt
- If you want to edit another file, but not write the changes in the current
- file yet, you can make it hidden: >
- :hide edit foo.txt
- The text with changes is still there, but you can't see it. This is further
- explained in section |22.4|: The buffer list.
- ==============================================================================
- *07.2* A list of files
- You can start Vim to edit a sequence of files. For example: >
- vim one.c two.c three.c
- This command starts Vim and tells it that you will be editing three files.
- Vim displays just the first file. After you have done your thing in this
- file, to edit the next file you use this command: >
- :next
- If you have unsaved changes in the current file, you will get an error
- message and the ":next" will not work. This is the same problem as with
- ":edit" mentioned in the previous section. To abandon the changes: >
- :next!
- But mostly you want to save the changes and move on to the next file. There
- is a special command for this: >
- :wnext
- This does the same as using two separate commands: >
- :write
- :next
- To see which file in the argument list you are editing, look in the window
- title. It should show something like "(2 of 3)". This means you are editing
- the second file out of three files.
- If you want to see the list of files, use this command: >
- :args
- This is short for "arguments". The output might look like this: >
- one.c [two.c] three.c
- These are the files you started Vim with. The one you are currently editing,
- "two.c", is in square brackets.
- To go back one file: >
- :previous
- This is just like the ":next" command, except that it moves in the other
- direction. Again, there is a shortcut command for when you want to write the
- file first: >
- :wprevious
- To move to the very last file in the list: >
- :last
- And to move back to the first one again: >
- :first
- There is no ":wlast" or "wfirst" command though!
- You can use a count for ":next" and ":previous". To skip two files forward: >
- :2next
- When moving around the files and making changes, you have to remember to use
- ":write". Otherwise you will get an error message. If you are sure you
- always want to write modified files, you can tell Vim to automatically write
- them: >
- :set autowrite
- When you are editing a file which you may not want to write, switch it off
- again: >
- :set noautowrite
- You can redefine the list of files without the need to exit Vim and start it
- again. Use this command to edit three other files: >
- :args five.c six.c seven.h
- Or use a wildcard, like it's used in the shell: >
- :args *.txt
- Vim will take you to the first file in the list. Again, if the current file
- has changes, you can either write the file first, or use ":args!" (with !
- added) to abandon the changes.
- *arglist-quit*
- When you use a list of files, Vim assumes you want to edit them all. To
- protect you from exiting too early, you will get this error when you didn't
- edit the last file in the list yet: >
- E173: 46 more files to edit
- If you really want to exit, just do it again. Then it will work (but not when
- you did other commands in between).
- ==============================================================================
- *07.3* Jumping from file to file
- To quickly jump between two files, press CTRL-^ (on English-US keyboards the ^
- is above the 6 key). Example: >
- :args one.c two.c three.c
- You are now in one.c. >
- :next
- Now you are in two.c. Now use CTRL-^ to go back to one.c. Another CTRL-^ and
- you are back in two.c. Another CTRL-^ and you are in one.c again. If you now
- do: >
- :next
- You are in three.c. Notice that the CTRL-^ command does not change the idea
- of where you are in the list of files. Only commands like ":next" and
- ":previous" do that.
- The file you were previously editing is called the "alternate" file. When you
- just started Vim CTRL-^ will not work, since there isn't a previous file.
- After jumping to another file, you can use two predefined marks which are very
- useful: >
- `"
- This takes you to the position where the cursor was when you left the file.
- Another mark that is remembered is the position where you made the last
- change: >
- `.
- Suppose you are editing the file "one.txt". Somewhere halfway the file you
- use "x" to delete a character. Then you go to the last line with "G" and
- write the file with ":w". You edit several other files, and then use ":edit
- one.txt" to come back to "one.txt". If you now use `" Vim jumps to the last
- line of the file. Using `. takes you to the position where you deleted the
- character. Even when you move around in the file `" and `. will take you to
- the remembered position. At least until you make another change or leave the
- file.
- In chapter 4 was explained how you can place a mark in a file with "mx" and
- jump to that position with "`x". That works within one file. If you edit
- another file and place marks there, these are specific for that file. Thus
- each file has its own set of marks, they are local to the file.
- So far we were using marks with a lowercase letter. There are also marks
- with an uppercase letter. These are global, they can be used from any file.
- For example suppose that we are editing the file "foo.txt". Go to halfway the
- file ("50%") and place the F mark there (F for foo): >
- 50%mF
- Now edit the file "bar.txt" and place the B mark (B for bar) at its last line:
- >
- GmB
- Now you can use the "'F" command to jump back to halfway foo.txt. Or edit yet
- another file, type "'B" and you are at the end of bar.txt again.
- The file marks are remembered until they are placed somewhere else. Thus you
- can place the mark, do hours of editing and still be able to jump back to that
- mark.
- It's often useful to think of a simple connection between the mark letter
- and where it is placed. For example, use the H mark in a header file, M in
- a Makefile and C in a C code file.
- To see where a specific mark is, give an argument to the ":marks" command: >
- :marks M
- You can also give several arguments: >
- :marks MCP
- Don't forget that you can use CTRL-O and CTRL-I to jump to older and newer
- positions without placing marks there.
- ==============================================================================
- *07.4* Backup files
- Usually Vim does not produce a backup file. If you want to have one, all you
- need to do is execute the following command: >
- :set backup
- The name of the backup file is the original file with a ~ added to the end.
- If your file is named data.txt, for example, the backup file name is
- data.txt~.
- If you do not like the fact that the backup files end with ~, you can
- change the extension: >
- :set backupext=.bak
- This will use data.txt.bak instead of data.txt~.
- Another option that matters here is 'backupdir'. It specifies where the
- backup file is written. The default, to write the backup in the same
- directory as the original file, will mostly be the right thing.
- Note:
- When the 'backup' option isn't set but the 'writebackup' is, Vim will
- still create a backup file. However, it is deleted as soon as writing
- the file was completed successfully. This functions as a safety
- against losing your original file when writing fails in some way (disk
- full is the most common cause; being hit by lightning might be
- another, although less common).
- If you are editing source files, you might want to keep the file before you
- make any changes. But the backup file will be overwritten each time you write
- the file. Thus it only contains the previous version, not the first one.
- To make Vim keep the original file, set the 'patchmode' option. This
- specifies the extension used for the first backup of a changed file. Usually
- you would do this: >
- :set patchmode=.orig
- When you now edit the file data.txt for the first time, make changes and write
- the file, Vim will keep a copy of the unchanged file under the name
- "data.txt.orig".
- If you make further changes to the file, Vim will notice that
- "data.txt.orig" already exists and leave it alone. Further backup files will
- then be called "data.txt~" (or whatever you specified with 'backupext').
- If you leave patchmode empty (that is the default), the original file will
- not be kept.
- ==============================================================================
- *07.5* Copy text between files
- This explains how to copy text from one file to another. Let's start with a
- simple example. Edit the file that contains the text you want to copy. Move
- the cursor to the start of the text and press "v". This starts Visual mode.
- Now move the cursor to the end of the text and press "y". This yanks (copies)
- the selected text.
- To copy the above paragraph, you would do: >
- :edit thisfile
- /This
- vjjjj$y
- Now edit the file you want to put the text in. Move the cursor to the
- character where you want the text to appear after. Use "p" to put the text
- there. >
- :edit otherfile
- /There
- p
- Of course you can use many other commands to yank the text. For example, to
- select whole lines start Visual mode with "V". Or use CTRL-V to select a
- rectangular block. Or use "Y" to yank a single line, "yaw" to yank-a-word,
- etc.
- The "p" command puts the text after the cursor. Use "P" to put the text
- before the cursor. Notice that Vim remembers if you yanked a whole line or a
- block, and puts it back that way.
- When you want to copy several pieces of text from one file to another, having
- to switch between the files and writing the target file takes a lot of time.
- To avoid this, copy each piece of text to its own register.
- A register is a place where Vim stores text. Here we will use the
- registers named a to z (later you will find out there are others). Let's copy
- a sentence to the f register (f for First): >
- "fyas
- The "yas" command yanks a sentence like before. It's the "f that tells Vim
- the text should be place in the f register. This must come just before the
- yank command.
- Now yank three whole lines to the l register (l for line): >
- "l3Y
- The count could be before the "l just as well. To yank a block of text to the
- b (for block) register: >
- CTRL-Vjjww"by
- Notice that the register specification "b is just before the "y" command.
- This is required. If you would have put it before the "w" command, it would
- not have worked.
- Now you have three pieces of text in the f, l and b registers. Edit
- another file, move around and place the text where you want it: >
- "fp
- Again, the register specification "f comes before the "p" command.
- You can put the registers in any order. And the text stays in the register
- until you yank something else into it. Thus you can put it as many times as
- you like.
- When you delete text, you can also specify a register. Use this to move
- several pieces of text around. For example, to delete-a-word and write it in
- the w register: >
- "wdaw
- Again, the register specification comes before the delete command "d".
- When collecting lines of text into one file, you can use this command: >
- :write >> logfile
- This will write the text of the current file to the end of "logfile". Thus it
- is appended. This avoids that you have to copy the lines, edit the log file
- and put them there. Thus you save two steps. But you can only append to the
- end of a file.
- To append only a few lines, select them in Visual mode before typing
- ":write". In chapter 10 you will learn other ways to select a range of lines.
- ==============================================================================
- *07.6* Viewing a file
- Sometimes you only want to see what a file contains, without the intention to
- ever write it back. There is the risk that you type ":w" without thinking and
- overwrite the original file anyway. To avoid this, edit the file read-only.
- To start Vim in readonly mode, use this command: >
- vim -R file
- On Unix this command should do the same thing: >
- view file
- You are now editing "file" in read-only mode. When you try using ":w" you
- will get an error message and the file won't be written.
- When you try to make a change to the file Vim will give you a warning:
- W10: Warning: Changing a readonly file ~
- The change will be done though. This allows for formatting the file, for
- example, to be able to read it easily.
- If you make changes to a file and forgot that it was read-only, you can
- still write it. Add the ! to the write command to force writing.
- If you really want to forbid making changes in a file, do this: >
- vim -M file
- Now every attempt to change the text will fail. The help files are like this,
- for example. If you try to make a change you get this error message:
- E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off ~
- You could use the -M argument to setup Vim to work in a viewer mode. This is
- only voluntary though, since these commands will remove the protection: >
- :set modifiable
- :set write
- ==============================================================================
- *07.7* Changing the file name
- A clever way to start editing a new file is by using an existing file that
- contains most of what you need. For example, you start writing a new program
- to move a file. You know that you already have a program that copies a file,
- thus you start with: >
- :edit copy.c
- You can delete the stuff you don't need. Now you need to save the file under
- a new name. The ":saveas" command can be used for this: >
- :saveas move.c
- Vim will write the file under the given name, and edit that file. Thus the
- next time you do ":write", it will write "move.c". "copy.c" remains
- unmodified.
- When you want to change the name of the file you are editing, but don't
- want to write the file, you can use this command: >
- :file move.c
- Vim will mark the file as "not edited". This means that Vim knows this is not
- the file you started editing. When you try to write the file, you might get
- this message:
- E13: File exists (use ! to override) ~
- This protects you from accidentally overwriting another file.
- ==============================================================================
- Next chapter: |usr_08.txt| Splitting windows
- Copyright: see |manual-copyright| vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: